Saturday, 21 November 2015

Christmas Wreath Card!

Christmas Wreath Card

Made with Mepxy Markers

I may be in denial that Christmas is so soon as there is a lot to do! But truth be told, Christmas is probably my favourite time of year. So I thought making some Christmas themed cards would be the way to go!

These are so simple to make and you can use any Mepxy Markers that you have on hand!

  • Mepxy Markers:
    • R59
    • W07
    • W29
    • L63
    • L67
    • C99
    • L05
  • Blank Card 
  • Pencil
  • Pentel Gold Brush Pen

I bought a pack of blank cards from a paper store nearby, but you can make them easily enough from any type of paper.

First, I did a rough sketch of the size of the wreath and baubles.

I drew a mix of leaves and berries and continued around the wreath.
I found that turning the drawing helped keep the wreath shape looking like it was following a path around the shape.

Here is the finished product. I added a bow as well for a Christmas-sy touch!

Photograph of the drawing.

First, I started with L05 Elm Green and shaded in the spindly leaves. This helps you see the type of leaves I drew. The pencil also helps stop the bleed of the markers, it fills the shapes really well!
You'll just have to make sure you use paper that is thick enough to not bleed the markers through to the next page. If you are unsure, slip a scrap of paper in the middle so it catches any bleeding.

Here you can particularly see how the markers fill out the shapes really well. Here I used L63 Forrest Green.

Here I added some darker green tones with C99 Pine Needle.

Now I used R59 Cardinal to shade in the berries.

Using my three greens from earlier I filled in the gaps of the wreath and also added some line work to the leaves by shading the stems of the leaves.

Here I used W07 Light Mahogany and W29 Sienna to shade in the ribbon.

You can't see it very well in this scan, but I used my Pentel Gold Brush pen to shade in the baubles. It gives a great effect in real life as it shines when the light catches it. How Christmas-sy!?

You can buy these pens online.

Close up of the gold baubles.

Markers used in this tutorial.

Happy Christmas in advance! The cards are almost too good to give away!

Here's a card I made last year.

Find us on Facebook:
Instagram: @mepxymarkers
Please send us your work or anything that you create! Thanks for watching!
Natalie Wyatt


  1. What a great Christmas card idea Natalie, love it! :)

    1. Thanks so much Michelle! Glad you liked it!
