Friday, 11 December 2015

Monster Madness


Hey guys. I had such fun with this blog creating some very special Christmas presents.
I'd never really done anything like this before, but found out, I really love it.
All I used to create my these little guys was some Canson watercolour  paper A4(Montval,medium cold press) 300gsm, Princeton Neptune  watercolour brushes (Quill: 4 & 12, scribe:6) ,  my fabulous Schmincke water-colour pan ( 36 half pan + room for 12 more), and a few final touches with my coloured pencils.
Truly. That's it.
Well, that and a good and sometimes weird imagination. 

I like to draw a boarder around where my image will be so I know what space I have to work within. This just helps so when it comes time to framing, your artwork is as centred as possible and you don't lose any of your image. 

For inspiration, it's worth having a look on Pinterest for illustrations and images of dragons, monsters etc. There's  a lot of drawing tips there too if you need guidance.  

After pencilling in your creature, it's time to start playing with your watercolours. The variety of colours and the 'mixes' you can create with these Schmincke are wonderful. Personally, I have trouble trying to leave white space, but I was very mindful of this this time. 

So with some finishing touches  using coloured pencils after erasing any old pencil lines,  It's ready for you signature and framing.

Here's another one I got started on right away. I told you I really loved creating these. And I hope you do too. 

Creating the watercolour base ready to build on.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season.


Kerry Sinigaglia


  1. These are delightful! You have created a wonderful imaginative world, Kerry!
